Sooo... like... You know that feeling you get when you realize you're the only normal one? No seriously... What does that feel like, 'cause i have no idea.XD Bahaha.(: Yea im just a tad COMPLETETLY INSANE! Hmm. && guess what. its ah mae zin.(: Sooo... I have a question for you people. What's up with guys && trying to impress girls. I mean, i get it. You want us to like you, but i mean... woooo i really dont care that you just got outta jail && that you're gonna go beat up some dude! Most of the time its younger guys doing it. In my opinion, it's really stupid. They're always just some lame attempt to make us think you're just the slightest bit cool, && guess what dude... YOU'RE NOT! All youre doing is making yourself look even more stupid then you already are. && why in the world would tyou think that would impress me. It just make s you seem like a stupid loser thats not going anywhere in life. YEAAAAA BUDDDDYYYY, what a turn on!! Ha. Your're cool.(: && even if it was something that would impress me, boasting about yourself is a turn off anyway. Its just a lose lose situation dude. Just sayin'.(: So, if you're a guy reading this, && this sounds like you, I'd suggest you try to reform yourself... 'Caaauuuse it's not gonna get you anywhere., trust me.(: Kk. Keep it fresh you guys. Toodaloo.(:
aka. that pain you gots in your rearier area.(;
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