Well ;I'm terribly sick. It is very much ,extremely gross. I'm on my period ,awesome.-_- &&&&I'm grounded... for missing the bus...? Yeah ,ridiculous. Well ;my weekend has just turned to poooo! Bleh. My stomach hurts ,alot. &&it really doesn't feel like cramps... It's weird ,&&I keep having to pee... also ,I'm very bloated. I don't know ,Bro. I feel pregnant ,or something. I've never been pregnant to know what that feels like ;but if I had to guess ,it'd be like this. Obviously ,I'm not pregnant. I haven't had sex in months&&I've had three or four periods since then. So ;no babies for me! Ha. For real ,though. What. Is. Up. Brotato chip? I don't have much to talk about here. I just felt you all were the best people to complain to. Well ;Merry Christmas Guys! &&By the way ,My birthday is in 6 days! Hells yeah ,Bro. The big one five. Well ;Keep it healthy ,You Guys! Toodaloo.
a.k.a. that pain you gots in your rearier area
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Vile Happenings ;&&Then There's Cody
So ;Didn't Get To Go To James' Viewing OR His Funeral.:/// ;Buhhhhhhttt It's Okay. I Know James Knows I Love&&Miss Him. Ughhhhhhh.!! I Got A Power Chain On Just My Top Front Teeth ;&&It Hurts Like A Mo To The Fo ,Bro. No Effin' Joke.:'( It's Horrible. On Another Terrible Note ;Garrison (The Love My Life ,My Pumpkin Butt ,My Everything) Wants To Commit Suicide Over Some Girl. I Feel Horrible. Knowing Someone You Love More Than Anything Wants To Kill Himself ;Is Terribley Diplorable. It Makes Me Feel Less Of Myself ;&&It's Not Even Me.! It Kinda Feels Like I've Failed As A Best Friend ;Cause He's No Longer Happy. It's Crazy ;Cause I've Hurt Like That Before ;Over Him. Ugh. I Just Wish He'd Realize That I'd Make Him Happy. I'll Always Love Him No Matter What. He Use To 'Love' Me. Talkin' About Our Future&&All That Jazz. It Kills Me That We're No Longer On The Same Page Here. I'm Dating This Guy Cody Right Now... Again. Third Time. Ha. Well ;We'll See How This Goes. I'm Gonna' Cut This Real Short Today. Keep It 'Positive' ,You Guys. Toodaloo.-Morgann'(:
a.k.a. That Pain You Got's In Your Rearier Area
Monday, November 28, 2011
Losing A Friend
I've Never Really Had A Friend Of Mine Die Before. No ;James&&I Weren't That Close ,But He Was My Friend&&I've Known Him Forever. I Officially Want To Murder All Drunk Drivers.!-_- It Still Hasn't Really Hit Me That He's Gone Yet. I Feel Bad For All Those Times I'd Ignored His Messages On Facebook. I Miss His Awkward Stance&&When He'd Say ,Probably Not... It Was Annoying Then ;But Now ,I'd Give Anything To Hear Him Say It. My Friend Josh Just Bawled Today At Lunch... I've Never Seen Him Cry ,Much Less ,Bawl. His Viewing Is Tomorrow At 6... :/ Then ,His Funeral's Wednesday At 2. There's Gonna' Be So Many People There. I Think I'm Going To Lose It As Soon As I See Him. It Won't Be Pretty... Ugh. I Hate Death. Man ,I'm Sure Going To Miss Him Creepin' On Me.
RIP James Ray Harris ;
Keep It Safe You Guys... Toodaloo.
a.k.a. That Pain You Got's In Your Rearier Area
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Back Again ;Talkin' Bout My Pumpkin Butt
Why Hello Blogger. Remember Me.? Pshh. I Wouldn't Think So ,Considering The Amount Of Time I've Been Away From You. I Got A New Laptop So ;I'll Be On Here Way More. I've Missed Blogging Terribly.
If You Must Know ;Garrison&&I Are Talking Again. Of Course I'm Still Absolutely In Love With The Kid ;But He Doesn't Feel The Same. So ;Him&&I Are Just Friends. Best Friends. We're Very Close Now. Extremely. I Told Him How I Felt. It Was Four Pages Long. ...&&He Rejected Me.:'/
Wanna' See What I Wrote.?
;Morgan Taylor Wilde ,<3
A Name I'd Gladly Take One Day. I Know I'm Not Suppose To Feel This Way Anymore ;But I Can't Help But Be Completely in Love With The Kid. He's Had My Heart From Day One ,That Boy.:) My Only Regret Is Being Too Pushy. I'm Scared I Drove Him Away. It Angers Me So Terribly That He No Longer Shares The Same Compassion As I For Him. It Seems As Though I've Lost Some Of My Desire To Want To Be With Him. I Can Remember The Pain I Felt Just Thinking About Losing Him. How I Couldn't Breathe When I Thought Of Not Marrying Him. ;&&The Night He Told Me He Didn't Want To Be With Me ,&&That We Had Nothing In Common. Oh ;I've Never Felt Such Pain ,In My Entire Life. I Had Never Even Imagined Such Pain Existed. I Was Fighting For Breaths ,&&Choking On Tears ,&&Wanting Nothing But To Die. Not Only Is He The Guy I Love ,He Is My Very Best Friend. I Am More Comfortable With Him Than Any Other Boy I Have Ever Met. After The Sorrows Fated I only Wanted His Happiness. No Matter Who It Was With ,I Wanted Him To Be Happy. Of Course ,I Know For A Fact No Girl Will EVER Love Him Even A Quarter Of The Amount I Love Him. If I Got One Last Wish Before I Died ;I'd Tell Garrison I Love Him. The Maturity He Acquires For A 13 Year Old Is Impeccable. &&I Honestly Think He Is Beyond Gorgeous ,On The Inside&&Out. Yes ,He's A Prick Sometimes ;But He Wouldn't Be Garrison If He Wasn't. It Severely Painful Just Being Just Friends With Him ;But If That's What I Have To Do To Continue Speaking To Him ;I Shall.:) I'd Honestly Do Anything For Him ,ANYTHING.! I'd Die A Gazillion Excruciatingly Painful Deaths ,Before I'd Let Any Harm Come To Him. I Just Plain Love The Kid. With Every Fiber Of My Being. For Example ;I Could Be On A Date With JUSTIN BIEBER &&Garrison Could Call Me Saying He Was Out Of Toilet Paper ;&&I'd Be Outta' There To Go Get My Baby Some Toilet Paper. He. Means. The. World. To. Me. I Feel Bad For Whoever I End Up With 'Cause I Will Never Love Them Like I Love Him. Not Even Near The Amount I Love Him. He's My Pumpkin Butt. Forever&&Always. He Mat Never Love Me In That Way ,Ever ,But I Do Not Care In The Slightest. Well ;I Mean ,It Does. It Kills Me More ,&&More Each Day. I'll Care For Him Regardless. I'll Never Give Up On Him ,Ever. I Love Garrison Michael Wilde With All My Heart ;&& That'll Never Change. ,<3
-&&He Doesn't Care. FAIL.-_-
Welp. Keep It Fresh You Guys. Toodaloo.
a.k.a. That Pain You Got's In Your Rearier Area
If You Must Know ;Garrison&&I Are Talking Again. Of Course I'm Still Absolutely In Love With The Kid ;But He Doesn't Feel The Same. So ;Him&&I Are Just Friends. Best Friends. We're Very Close Now. Extremely. I Told Him How I Felt. It Was Four Pages Long. ...&&He Rejected Me.:'/
Wanna' See What I Wrote.?
;Morgan Taylor Wilde ,<3
A Name I'd Gladly Take One Day. I Know I'm Not Suppose To Feel This Way Anymore ;But I Can't Help But Be Completely in Love With The Kid. He's Had My Heart From Day One ,That Boy.:) My Only Regret Is Being Too Pushy. I'm Scared I Drove Him Away. It Angers Me So Terribly That He No Longer Shares The Same Compassion As I For Him. It Seems As Though I've Lost Some Of My Desire To Want To Be With Him. I Can Remember The Pain I Felt Just Thinking About Losing Him. How I Couldn't Breathe When I Thought Of Not Marrying Him. ;&&The Night He Told Me He Didn't Want To Be With Me ,&&That We Had Nothing In Common. Oh ;I've Never Felt Such Pain ,In My Entire Life. I Had Never Even Imagined Such Pain Existed. I Was Fighting For Breaths ,&&Choking On Tears ,&&Wanting Nothing But To Die. Not Only Is He The Guy I Love ,He Is My Very Best Friend. I Am More Comfortable With Him Than Any Other Boy I Have Ever Met. After The Sorrows Fated I only Wanted His Happiness. No Matter Who It Was With ,I Wanted Him To Be Happy. Of Course ,I Know For A Fact No Girl Will EVER Love Him Even A Quarter Of The Amount I Love Him. If I Got One Last Wish Before I Died ;I'd Tell Garrison I Love Him. The Maturity He Acquires For A 13 Year Old Is Impeccable. &&I Honestly Think He Is Beyond Gorgeous ,On The Inside&&Out. Yes ,He's A Prick Sometimes ;But He Wouldn't Be Garrison If He Wasn't. It Severely Painful Just Being Just Friends With Him ;But If That's What I Have To Do To Continue Speaking To Him ;I Shall.:) I'd Honestly Do Anything For Him ,ANYTHING.! I'd Die A Gazillion Excruciatingly Painful Deaths ,Before I'd Let Any Harm Come To Him. I Just Plain Love The Kid. With Every Fiber Of My Being. For Example ;I Could Be On A Date With JUSTIN BIEBER &&Garrison Could Call Me Saying He Was Out Of Toilet Paper ;&&I'd Be Outta' There To Go Get My Baby Some Toilet Paper. He. Means. The. World. To. Me. I Feel Bad For Whoever I End Up With 'Cause I Will Never Love Them Like I Love Him. Not Even Near The Amount I Love Him. He's My Pumpkin Butt. Forever&&Always. He Mat Never Love Me In That Way ,Ever ,But I Do Not Care In The Slightest. Well ;I Mean ,It Does. It Kills Me More ,&&More Each Day. I'll Care For Him Regardless. I'll Never Give Up On Him ,Ever. I Love Garrison Michael Wilde With All My Heart ;&& That'll Never Change. ,<3
-&&He Doesn't Care. FAIL.-_-
Welp. Keep It Fresh You Guys. Toodaloo.
a.k.a. That Pain You Got's In Your Rearier Area
Friday, September 2, 2011
Just Another Day Of Shit
In Prin. Ed. Not Doing My Work. Yea. I'm Boss Like That Bro(:. Hmm. I Saw Conner Again In The Hall&&It Made Me Wanna Jump Him. Stupid Little Prick.-_-
Hmm. It's My Cousins First Day Here. We Woke Up Late This Morning && Had To Get Ready In The Bathroom At School. The Plug For The Straightener Was Of Course Out Side The Friggin' Door; So We Looked Like Complete Retards Tryn'a Hold Open The Damn Door && Straighten Our Hair At The Same Time. Garrison Hasn't Talked To Me In Three Days Bro... Not Kewl. It's Driving Me Insane!!D: Meep. I'm Hoping I Can Go To The Game; Cause Then He Can't Ignore Me Cause I'll Be All Up In His Face The Whole Night. Ugh. He Makes Me So Mad. I JUst Wanna Kick A Baby. He Says I'M The Childish One. Ha. Nah Nigga. I'm Sorry That I'm Human&&My Feelings Get Hurt When You Say Stupid Shhit Like That. I Swear; He's So Ignorant When it Comes To Feelings. Whatta Guy.-_-
Anywho; On Another Note;; I Am Sooooo Hoping I Get A Good Date To Homecoming. It's Like Oh My Dawg Will Some Ah Mae Zin Guy Just Asked Me Already! No Friggin' Joke Dude!-_- Pleh. Wyatt Should Get His Phone Fixed So I can Talk To Him. Maybe I Could Go To Homecoming With That Hot Mess.?(;
Weeeeell; Kidds' I'ma Get Going Sugarplum.
Keep It Fresh Kiddos'(:
aka That Pain You Got's In Your Rearier Area.:D
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Freshman Niggas
Holy Friggin' Chizz You Guys! It Has Been Sooooooo Long Since I've Blogged. I Wont Be Blogging Very Much Anymore; But I'll Try && Blog As Much As I Can(:. So; I'm A Freshman Kidds'(:! How Friggin' Ah Mae Zin Is That Bro?:3 Hmm. I Hate All The Stuid Rumors; But All&&All; Im Lovin' High School!!:) I Love My Dance Class; It's Friggin' Hard Workk; But FUN AS SHIT!!:D Dude Autym Rene Is Goin' To My School Now!(My Cousin) && We Gon' Be Tearin' It U In That Bitch! Ha. I'm Havin' Some Boy Shit Goin' Down. Garrison.-_- Yea. I'll Update Y'all On That Soon! I Got's To Get Goin' My Dears(:.
Tenga Un Bien Dia Mi Amor<3
Keep It Fresh Kiddo's!
akaThat Pain You Got's In Your Rearer Area.:D
Tenga Un Bien Dia Mi Amor<3
Keep It Fresh Kiddo's!
akaThat Pain You Got's In Your Rearer Area.:D
Monday, June 6, 2011
Ending with Hope
Welp, its the last day of school... pleh. im kinda happy that schools out, but... ima miss my ah mae zin franns!! eh.:/ im going to high school... im not sure how i'll do up there, im sure i'll do fine, no, more than fine! i have loads of incredible friends that'll be up there with me, making it the best years of my life. && besides that, i have friends already in high school, sooo i got this covered. &&&& teehee... i'll be going to the same school as Derrik<3. bahaha. it'll be his last year in high school though... oh snap! he has to move to Springtown, i just forgot... ugh. well, looks like i wont be seeing him much still.:'/ you know what its gonna be like having a boyfriend who's a senior&&in Springtown?! ugh. this is gonna suck much hardcore anus! well, ima make sure i see him alot this summer... im not sure how, as to the fact he can no longer go to Logan's house. this is... shittt. pure shittt! whatever, this summer will be ah mae zin! i will MAKE ITT ah mae zin. you'll see, you'll allll see.(:a.k.a. that pain you gots in your rearier area.:D
soooo, on another note, how are y'all? any broken hearts? crushed dreams, anyone? hmm. sometimes i think, what if i just disapeared... would anyone care? would anyone really miss me... i mean, sure, my family&&friends will be sad, but for what? what have i REALLY done for them... i try to live everyday to the fullest&&keep a smile on my face. ima try to be a better person, a person my friends can look up to, a person everyone can look up to... someone worth missin'... someone worth there time. i strive to be a good person, but it never really works out... i dont even think i care if it doesn't...
people... are mean... they're rude, inconsiderate, bossy, judgemental, greedy, && just down right evil....
buhhtt, thats okay, cause they're are those few good people, && ones that at least try... im not sure exactly how i fit in in those catagories, but im going to try && be one of the good ones... i have to try, we all should. if you're reading this, i want you to go out && make someones day. i dont care how you do it, but do it, please? you dont know how much that person might need it, you might even save someones life like that... maybe. just... dont do it in a greedy way, do it from your heart, && get nothing in return, besides pride in yourself for doing that for someone && maybe one day, someone will do that for you.
have a wonderful summer everyone. talk to y'all soon. keep it fresh. toodaloo.(:-Morgann<3
Friday, June 3, 2011
sniffin' missin' && paranoia:/
Okay, so you know that one friend you have that smells absolutely ah mae zin everyday?! its like come on dude, do you just roll around in daisies in your spare time?? just kiddin' causseeee he doesnt smell like daisies... he smells like, what I'd call orgasm in a bottle! yes, i know you're sitting here thinking holy tostitos Morgan, are you saying you totally do his shirt... yes, yes i would. im sorry, its not my fault i practically rape him everyday as i smell his sweet aroma... is that even how you spell aroma?....
idkk! && frankly i dont care. hmm. Mark is sitting next to me in tach app today. its Friday&&were having free time! woo. Monday is our last day. ima wear a dress!:D urrrg. ima miss these crazy ka-hooligans here at the AJHS... aw. ima miss this school so much. && my seventh grade friends that i wont get to see. I've noticed that i dont really blog about one perticular thing i just kinda keep going on with whatever happends to be on my mind... like now... i'm thinkin' bout pickles&&the coke i left in the fridge... you know how completely tragic it is that i left it in there?! dude, i wont be home until Monday after school... you know what that means?? someones gonna guzzle down my coke when i gone. theyre gonna do it, i know they are. ima be paranoid about this all weekend. ugh. Derrik cant go to Logan's tonight, so we cant hang out!!D: ehh.:/ Well, maybe he'll be able to Saturday. hmm. i miss him.:/
woah, dude, hold the phone, mann, i have got to change the subject! i gotta new disco ball! ha. && then my mom re-arranged my room so i had to take down ALL my posters && papers down off the wall && put them in my new bed spot. but my bed looks so ah mae zin! ive got my disco ball hanging from the cieling up there.(:(: wee! haha. well, i gotta get going sugarplum. dont miss me!:D keep it kewl you guys. toodaloo.(:
a.k.a. that pain you gots in your rearier area.:D
Friday, May 27, 2011
updates, braces, perves, && pain.(:
ugh. i got braces && they hurt like a MOFO!! yeaaaa..theyre painful. hmm. Garrison<3 hes my best friend&&ima marry him:D yes, i know what youre thinking, but i atually am going to marry him! haha. no matter how much i love Conner or who i end up dating... at the end ill end up with him... && im quite okay with that.. actually... its quite ah mae zin.(: sooo.. to give you a little update since i havent blogged in a while...
*Not aloud at Kylas
*Got braces
*Not with Conner anymore
*Me&&Sonja stopped being friends
*Now were kinda friends again i guess
* Me&&Conner are talking again
*Me&&Garrison are...Me&&Garrison
*Marissa&&I were no longer friends
* we got over our whoriness && are friends again
*&&&& last but ot least... idkk. i think i ran out of stuff.XD
well... ugh. guys are such perves. Rylee keeps tuching me along with Tony... theyre so annoying. i really dont care if youd fuck me, im NOT interested, freak! gaw. well, i gotta go to lunch, toodaloo.
a.k.a. that pain you gots in your rearier area.:D
*Not aloud at Kylas
*Got braces
*Not with Conner anymore
*Me&&Sonja stopped being friends
*Now were kinda friends again i guess
* Me&&Conner are talking again
*Me&&Garrison are...Me&&Garrison
*Marissa&&I were no longer friends
* we got over our whoriness && are friends again
*&&&& last but ot least... idkk. i think i ran out of stuff.XD
well... ugh. guys are such perves. Rylee keeps tuching me along with Tony... theyre so annoying. i really dont care if youd fuck me, im NOT interested, freak! gaw. well, i gotta go to lunch, toodaloo.
a.k.a. that pain you gots in your rearier area.:D
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
lovely teenage shitt...
hey you guys. havent posted in a while... like two weeks? lol. soo... not that long, but pretty long considering all the stuff thats gone down. long story short, my heart was broken by a complete douche bag, yes indeed, that would be Conner. hmm. lovely stuff right? yea. formals saturday. my dress is ah mae zin! STILL dont have a date... && really dont have anyone in mind.:/ urrg. oh && this incredibly hot guy Zack Frausto with an AH MAE ZIN car... turned out to be a doucher who wants amnesty && he said its cause i fuck other guys... THATS A COMPLETE LIE!! mann, you have sex with one guy your entire life && suddenly youre a whore. well, well, well... life sorta sucks. buhhhhtt ima make itt great. so all you bitches can shove itt.(: have a nice day. keep it fresh you guys. toodaloo.(:
a.k.a. that pain you gots in your rearier area.(:
Friday, April 29, 2011
-Morgann<3Okay. sooo. the new guy*Jonathan Lockley* is superdeeduper kewl. hes very quiet && looks a bit frightened when were talking to him. haha. Maybe we sacre him al little. idkk. i hope not, cause hes a cutie fo' sho.(: bahaha.:D i think Sonja&&I are now his own personal stalkers. hmm. its okay though. at least no one else is trying to snatch him up.(: he has really pretty eyes&& kewl*Jean Mark lookinn'* hair.(: Hes wearing a V neck today. hahaha. cute.(: lol. Amnesty&&I like to converse our glittery boobs. haha. *inside jokity joke*:D dude. when i see Jonathan, i totally dot dot cuuuuurve!!(: teehee. ima become his best frann yo'! i am... DONT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF BUBBLES SIXX!! hehe. ima do itt.(: Wooo! Relay for Life tonight! time to stay up till 6 in the mornin'! woop. *excitement* && Albert&&Conner might come! yay! Conner&&shitt.(: i miss my Dr. Bigs&&Pills.:D thyre some lovely kids rightt thurr! i havent hung out with Albert in a while. i havent seen Conner in almost a week! yea. *devistation* yea. soooo. i hope he comes.(: ha. now Jean Markks trying to impress me with is... lack of muscles. haha. he thinks hes the shitt mann.... ha. nahhh.(: welp. thats all i gots right now. i guess ill give you the update on tonight as soon as i can. keep it fresh you guys. toodaloo.(:
a.k.a. that pain you gots in your rearier area.(:
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Newular Guy.(:
a.k.a. that pain you gots in your rearier area.(:-Morgann<3Hahaha. new guy... hes supposed to be hot&&is like Jean Mark's twin but ive only seen the side of his face && the rear view. he looks pretty hot i guess. i wanna see him all up in the facerier arier place... thing... yea. Sonjas all, "were gonna make him sit with us at lunch && what not".:D bahaha. Makaylyns all what if hes an asshole, && im like so... who isnt? ha. i mean, come on, if we can put up with Tommy, i think were okay.(: oh yea... guess where i am! no! seriously! guess! oh my gaw guys y'all are soooo stupid... im in tech app! duhh! where else would i be? in your macaroni? ha. i dont think so mr... that would be messy!!(: what if the new guy/Jean Mark's twin/ Jonathan is SUPAH hott && he like falls in love with me && we live happily ever after with our five kids?!!! hahahaha. jussstah kiddinn'.(: teehee. sooooo.... hmm. i hope he's not gonna be with the Sophie/Amerika/Ashlyn/ well, you know what i mean, group. he should hang with our group. were obviously kewler than them... duh! lol.(: Sonja called his best friend slot first, so i got stuck with second best friend... loserface. ima secretly steal her position.XD yuh buddy! ah mae zin plan rightt thurr!! so... whats up you guys? hows it hanginn'? hahaha... that sounds dirrrty.(; lol. you dirty bird why would you think of something like that. gaw! its just an expression!! loserface banana!:D hmm. Conner still hasnt texted me... its been three days... i think he got his phone like taken away or something cause i dont he would ignore me for no reason, cause he on fact has no reason to not talk tome! just sayinn'. ah. well, we'll see, i guess. ha. Hows your love life going people? is it a shithole also? lol. im guessing im just using up the whole class period to blog about this event. lovely. i bet you are soooo interested in what i have to say. well, actually, i guess you are, hellooo, youre reading this arent you? hmm. maybe no one is, cause... why would they want to, my lifes not that interesting, but ig uess if you are reading this thaks for hearing me out. if youre still reading this after this long, than youre a pretty alright person. i love you guyses!!(: hmm. i havent wrote that much i suppose, it could be longer. way longer. i dont even have anything to write about anymore, && yet i keep typing this nonsense. ha. i took my science TAKS test today. it was pretty easy i'd say. We've already had our math&&reading ones. Tomorrow's our history. yummy! welpppp.... my spankies fit great! lmao.:D Markkkk Goodnightttttt isssss ah mae zinnn!!XD teehee. i love you Mark!(: hmm. ima's bored, are you... i'd say my boredness level is at a solid 7... yea.... 7. i mean... you have GOT to be bored if you are still continuing to read this. hmm, but i guess its hard to stop once you've started, huh? it's some pretty good shitt!(: ha. not really, but whatever. what goes on? nothing? well youre are just a ray of EXCITEMENT!! haha. nahhhh.(: well, ima let y'all go, cause i've taken too much of you guys' time. keep it fresh you guys. toodaloo.(:
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Disasterous Formal:/
a.k.a. that pain you gots in your rearier area.(:Wowzers, third blog while in tech app people. ha. umm. so, listen, we have this formal coming up, but the only guy i wanna go with *CONNER LEE NUGEN* says, && i quote, "formals are GAY". ugh. *irritation* theres like NO other guy i wanna go with. && on top of that, im not exactly sure if were really having it. its for forte, but people are saying its for south too this year, but then other people are saying its not && you can only come if you come with someone from forte. my friend Robert from forte says that south can go, so im going with south can go. hmm. Zoey already got her dress && her && her mom are gonna make it look so kewl. my dream dress wasnt at that store anymore, but theres a really cute dress at deb that i want its off white lacey && has a black ribbon around the waist. thats the only close to perfect one ive found so far. i hope my mommy gets it, && i hope ill actually have a reason to wear it.:/ Jean Mark would be a kewl person to go with but he also shares the same opinion as Conner does. pleh.:P && so does most the guys i know. ima end up having to go with Zoey, Myself, or some loser that i DO NOT wanna go with. hmm. ive thought about not even going, but that would just be horrid. i would totally hate myself if i missed out on formal. haha. Edmundo was all you typed all that?! lol. i love Edmundo... hes kewl.(: Ill go with him!! hahahaha. JK!!! that would just be weird. yeaaaaaa. ugh. what should i do? maybeee.... Adam? hmm. idkk. keep it fresh you guys. toodaloo.(:-Morgann<3
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Tech App Once Again
a.k.a. that pain you gots in your rearier area.(:Sitting in tech app once again. lovely stuff going on in here... okay, so... its boring as hell, but hey! free internet access! yuh buddy! well, most of the good stuff is blocked cause of this "barracuda" shitt. ooh. trying to make it sound so baaad with its "kick-ass" name. nah! its stupid. we cant go on youtube cause it has "inappropriate" stuff... buhhhtt Mr. Happy over here can look up girls on google images. yes, this makes much sense. i say, were in junior high, we have the internet at home && we see everything... okay maybe not everything... thats kinda gross, but i mean seriously, were 14 not 4... theres not much you can protect us from now. idkk. school is pretty dumb i guess. lol. i stole some spankys from the cheerleading/spirit/art room. hahaha. i also took of a drink of the coke in there. lovely, i know.(: hmm... ooh... i wish Markk sat next to me in here. wed be some funny people up in hurrrr.:D lol. this class always kinda bores me. Edmundo pretty kewl && all buhhhht... we dont talk... so its like... ive gots no one to talk to! Kali, Mark, Brody, && Jean Mark all sit on row 3... && im on row 1! its like theyre all.... AWAY! it sucks major rear end dude.hmm. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! uh. random?... i know, but this is just to show how truly bored i am. this is why i blog... its something to do when im bored. lalalala. fancy french fry fiddle fingers... yeaaaa. im not really sure as to why im even writing anymore. hmm. maybe its the fact that if i dont ill just end up writing another one so i might as well continue on with this stellar selection. haha. sorry, our principal said that this morning, i mean seriously, who says stellar?? weird, pathetic, old people with no lifes! justtttah kiddinnn'. love you Mr. McFearson! hehehe.(: wowzah. tech app sure is exciting mann. reeeeaaaal exciting... not really, but okaaaay. keep it fresh you guys. toodaloo.(:-Morgann<3
Monday, April 25, 2011
im sitting in tech app right now... its almost lunch... i got bored.... so i decided to blog about... my boredness? hmm. id say my boredness level is at a... 6. not bad, but have you ever been soooo bored that you were leterally in pain! there are always those thoughts of " its been like 12 hours" when in reality its been about 12 minutes. you twiddle your thumbs && sometimes even lugh hysterically as if there was something even remotely humerous. there are those times when you sit there causing some sort of pain to youself && seeing how much you can take, lovely idea for a game!! *total sarcams there, if you noticed* *&& if you didnt youre a complete idiot!* ima have to go to lunch soon.... woo... gets to talk to my friends! i didnt bring my id... i think its at zoeys... ill sneak by without getting noticed.(: hmm.... well. keep it fresh you guys. toodaloo.(:-Morgann<3a.k.a. that pain you gots in your rearier area.(:
Sunday, April 24, 2011
my fabuloso weekend.(:
So, I spent the weekend with my bestfriend, Zoey Michelle Green (to check out her blog go to http://zombiefrickenwale.blogspot.com/). We did the norm, talk, laugh, text, && dance. We stayed up late discussing FORMAL!! Dude, I soooo wanna go with Conner, but he doesnt go to formals... yea... depressing stuff. So, I dont know who to go with!! Ugh! Zoey wants to go with her love. lol.(: William... but... he has a girlfriend, plus he doesnt go to dances... STUPID GUYS!!! Grr.... So, we stayed up most the night talking about that. Zoey got her dress. Shes gonna emo it out. It'll be cool! Ha. While I was over there, I watched Willow for the first time... that was a weird, but really good movie. It was funny. "Heeyah, heeyah! I STOLE THE BABAAAAAY!!" Oh, Zoey && I were laughing so hard! Willow looks just like Jake T. Austin, I swear... well... if he was a midget.(: OMG! THE TROLLS! They were scuuuuuurry... no joke mann! ha.Ima cut this pretty short here... Keep it fresh you guys. Toodaloo.(:
-Morgann<3a.k.a. that pain you gots in your rearier area.(:
Friday, April 15, 2011
Boast= Toast
Sooo... like... You know that feeling you get when you realize you're the only normal one? No seriously... What does that feel like, 'cause i have no idea.XD Bahaha.(: Yea im just a tad COMPLETETLY INSANE! Hmm. && guess what. its ah mae zin.(: Sooo... I have a question for you people. What's up with guys && trying to impress girls. I mean, i get it. You want us to like you, but i mean... woooo i really dont care that you just got outta jail && that you're gonna go beat up some dude! Most of the time its younger guys doing it. In my opinion, it's really stupid. They're always just some lame attempt to make us think you're just the slightest bit cool, && guess what dude... YOU'RE NOT! All youre doing is making yourself look even more stupid then you already are. && why in the world would tyou think that would impress me. It just make s you seem like a stupid loser thats not going anywhere in life. YEAAAAA BUDDDDYYYY, what a turn on!! Ha. Your're cool.(: && even if it was something that would impress me, boasting about yourself is a turn off anyway. Its just a lose lose situation dude. Just sayin'.(: So, if you're a guy reading this, && this sounds like you, I'd suggest you try to reform yourself... 'Caaauuuse it's not gonna get you anywhere., trust me.(: Kk. Keep it fresh you guys. Toodaloo.(:
aka. that pain you gots in your rearier area.(;
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